With Global Gaming WomenThis panel of leading M&A and finance lawyers and members of Global Gaming Women will share their war stories and lessons learned from years of closing deals and watching as some didn’t quite cross the finish line.
- What are the most common deal killers and how to avoid them
- What are the biggest blow ups you’ve seen?
- Are some deals destined for the dust bin and how can you spot those?
- How to get certain clients ready for the regulator?
Moderator: Cosmina Simion, Managing Partner, WH Simion & Partners, Romania
Becky Harris, Distinguished Fellow in Gaming and Leadership, University of Nevada Las Vegas, United States
Charmaine Hogan, Head of Regulatory Affairs, Playtech, United Kingdom
Danielle Bush, Senior Counsel, McCarthy Tétrault, Canada
Kate Lowenhar-Fisher, Executive Vice President, Everi Holdings, Inc., United States